Friday, 9 November 2007


This week in my japanese classes we have been learning new structures and things, and have been doing an excercise to say what we possibly will be doing in 1 years time, 5 years time, 10, 25, 30 etc. It was quite a humbling experience, as I've never really thought about it like that before, never even thought anything ast getting my degree. It was also a bit scary because you never know what unexpected things will happen to either yourself or other people which would influence you.

So, I thought I would blog a small bit about the kind of things I want to do.

Starting off in short term, by the time I graduate I want to be near-fluent in my languages. I realise that it's going to be a lot of work, but I know that if I honestly put my mind to it then I can do it. After uni though I have 2 trains of thought really. The first is to get a career. Pretty self-explanatory. The second is to either do a post-grad degree or maybe go take a 'gap year' and travel for a bit.

By the time I'm 30 there are yet again 2 options I would like to do.
1) I definately want to have an at least half-decent (in both enjoyment and pay) job. But doing what, I don't know. Hopefully I will have also found someone to begin to settle down with by then, and maybe start thinking about kids. I really would like to be a dad, I think I'd do a pretty good job! And I like having someone to fuss over.
2) I would like to live abroad. I was thinking possibly Japan, or Quebec maybe, or even just in Europe. I don't know exactly when, but I do really want to live abroad for some period of my life.

A pretty big fear for me is that I will be lonely in my life. I don't mean from friends and family, but a partner. I want to think that I would have someone there to share my experiences with, I don't even mind if there is more than 1 person!

So I guess all in all, I'm not 100% on what I want to achieve. I'm not sure if anyone is really. Who knows, I might get interested in a certain profession, or get hooked on supporting a cause.

The future is scary. But the possibilities are endless, and that's what makes it fascinating.

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