Monday, 5 November 2007

warning: geekish post

So today I watched Transformers. It was a good film, but it made me start to randomly think.

The main aim traditionally for the classic villain in a movie, book or story is to take over the world. This is no different for Megatron as well. But Megatron is not human. And this is what made me get confused.

Why would Megatron want to take over the world? Or anyone for that matter? It could be that you want to 'own' everything - for me that sounds a little too short-term satisfaction. I mean, the thrill would die off quickly.

So, perhaps the reason is that you want to be a ruler, and have people/things do what you want? So you could then be as such your own governement. And this brings me back to Megatron. He is a machine, much like all the other Transformers. Being machines, did they even *have* a goverment on their old planet?

A governement and world domination. I have begun to think that they are not mutually exclusive options. How should I explain this ... It could be that having a governement somehow unconsiously implies to our minds that it would be a good thing to control people, a country or even the world.

So then could it be acceptable to suggest that if there was no form of governement, then people wouldn't try to take over the world? My confusion about this comes again from the 'home planet'. What kind of society did they have? Did they have a governement at all, and was it like ours? Personally (and reading far too much into a film) I cannot see how the Transformers could have had a governement, at least not in the sense that we know it as, so for what reason does Megatron want to take over the world/universe? It just seems like too much effort.

Now, I realise that my rambling probably made absolutely no sense to anyone but myself. Sorry. At least it was interesting ... mayhaps.

Or maybe I just completely missed the plot of the movie.


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